Faculty Search Toolbox: Resources for Recruiting Diverse Faculty
Note: The Faculty Search Toolbox has been moved to the Office for Institutional Equity and Diversity website. Please visit that site for more current information and resources.
Take the following steps to assist your search committee in recruiting diverse faculty:
- Invite the Office for Institutional Equity and Diversity to your first search committee meeting to orient the committee. Contact 919-515-3148 to schedule.
- Invite an OIED Faculty Liaison to show and discuss the video “Interrupting Bias in the Faculty Search Process”. Contact Marcia Gumpertz (gumpertz@ncsu.edu) to schedule.
- Invite someone from OIED to meet with candidates for faculty positions to discuss programs, policies, benefits and to answer any questions candidates have about diversity at NC State. Contact Marcia Gumpertz (gumpertz@ncsu.edu) to schedule).
Use the following resources at NC State
- Position announcement template for cluster hires. This template can be modified to suit regular non-cluster positions.
- Office for Institutional Equity and Diversity resources: Guidelines for Recruiting a Diverse Workforce; 2011 Faculty Search Video, and more.
- Sample candidate evaluation form
- Target of Opportunity Hiring Program, including spouse and partner faculty hiring: rationale and procedures
- Job search assistance for non-academic partners
The Academic and Economic Case for Faculty Diversity
Some compelling reasons for institutions to take measures to increase faculty diversity:
- Stereotype inoculation. Academic contact with successful female scientists benefits female students’ self perception and motivation in STEM. Dasgupta, et al. 2011, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.
- Increased effectiveness. Diverse faculty use a broader range of pedagogical techniques, interact more frequently with students, and use more effective educational practices. Umbach. 2006. Research in Higher Education.
- Cognitive benefits for students and faculty. Interaction with diverse faculty and student body promotes enhanced perspective taking, increased self-awareness, better cross-cultural skills and team work, expanded comfort zone.
- Access to the best talent: Our society cannot afford to do without black, Hispanic/Latino, and American Indian faculty. Note that women are roughly half the population and American Indians, Latinos, and African Americans make up roughly 30% of the population.
Databases and online resources to identify potential candidates:
- Ford Foundation Fellows Directory: http://nrc58.nas.edu/FordFellowDirect/Main/Main.aspx
- SREB Doctoral Scholar Directory: http://dspdirectory.sreb.org/default.aspx (requires membership. If you are an NCSU employee contact gumpertz@ncsu.edu for information about how to access).
- SACNAS Member Directory: https://sacnas.org/member-directory (requires membership)
- GEM Fellowship Program Alumni: http://www.gemfellowship.org/about/about-gem
- Linked In!
- AGEP (Alliances for Graduate Education and the Professoriate) alumni databases, such as the one at Rice University: http://graduate.rice.edu/Content.aspx?id=369
Updated May 3, 2013